
Tuesday 16 October 2018

Family dinner

On Wednesday the school week I had gone on the plane and went to
Australia for a holiday with my cousin. When we landed we had been
picked up and went for a drive so that my uncle can show what in Australia.

First: My cousin and I had been picked up from the airport. While we were in the
car my uncle had asked what we should eat for our family dinner tonight so we
thought for a while and said different things like KFC
butter chicken or Mcdonalds. But then my uncle said we will have KFC.

Next: We went to KFC and when we got there it wasn’t full it was empty.
So we went inside but saw other people there and had to wait in line. It took
forever for them to order because once they got there food there three boxes
and five boxes of chips.

Then:  When we finally got to order I could already smell the chips and chicken.
So then we order and go one box of chicken and three boxes of
chips and got two bottles of coca cola.
Then my cousin asked my uncle if we can stay and eat so he said yes.

After That: We took a picture and send it to my cousin staying at home.
Then we started eating and I could taste the chicken salt on the chips
and the chicken I could taste the spice.

Finally: When we finished eating we took a picture on snapchat
and out the time we finished eating and send it to my cousin at home.

Counclisin: I had loved the taste of the chicken and chips
at KFC and enjoyed eating with my family.


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