
Tuesday 28 November 2017

How unfair referee's unfair decision...

How unfair referee's unfair decision...

On Saturday it was a big game for the Tongan team because they were vs England in the semi final. If you watched the game England would take the ball of Tonga and that is not fair and the referee didn't even care about it. I wish that the referee said to see if the England did take the ball off Tonga.

Room 12's volcano

Room 12's volcano

Today in room 12 we made a volcano, but not a real one. What you need for your ingredients is vinegar, baking soda, dishwashing liquid, water and food coloring. When my teacher put all the ingredients I so excited for what it was going to look like. When you put it all together it will blow up like a real volcano, but it doesn't make any sounds. If you want to try this at home please make sure that you make a volcano so that it will blow in the volcano not on the floor or table. 

Monday 13 November 2017

Kiwi vs MMT

Kiwi vs MMT

On Saturday the kiwis vs the MMT at rugby. The game was the biggest game of the Tongans in their lives.

When the game started it was cool because the MMT team was losing by 2 points and the Kiwis were winning by 16 points, but then when then when the MMT got better they got more points and got up to 28 and the Kiwis had 22 points. Then when the time was running out of time. Then lucky the time went out and the MMT won the game. When MMT won everyone in the Tonga team group all started cry, but only some.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Name: Meliana
Date: 06.11.2017
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Title: Congratulations to the tongan rugby team.

Congratulations to the tongan rugby team I wish you a good luck on the world cup. Why people went to the game because their wanted to support your team and give you the best of luck their can. I was really happy for the Tongan team when they won the game. The score that Samoa got was 18 and The score that the tonga got was 32 and that was a good score. I will give you all my good luck to your final game.

Our forthcoming trip to Rangitoto.

Our forthcoming trip to Rangitoto.

On November some of my classmates are going to the island Rangitoto. When we get their I want to see new things that I haven't seen before.

Why I want to go their ?

I would like to go there because I haven't been their and because that I would like to see what it looks like in real life. When I get their I would love to go and explore the whole mountain with my friends and my teacher.

What I have to take with me ?

When I go there I would have to take a water, lunch and a little backpack to take my things. When I go I have to take walking shoes and a jumper just if it is raining.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Glen Innes School
40 Eastview Rd
Glen Innes

28 September 2017

Dear Jill
Thank you organising the sponsorship for  the bus and for the  for art gallery lesson.

When we got to the art gallery we learned different ways to do patterns and then we had a paper of a picture that had a jar on it and we had to write things that we liked to do like playing sports, going to places that we like going to and what kind of pet we like.
What I like about the art gallery is that we got to learn new things like patterns and we got to write about what we like to do, but my favourite part was looking at all of the beautiful art on the wall.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday and greatful time of the year.

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Physical change.

Physical change.

WALT see if sugar can change from a solid to liquid if that can be reversed.

What you do first ? You put some sugar in a cup then you get some water and mix it with a spoon . After that you go and warm up your frypan so that you can put the liquid into the frypan, then after awhile you let it steam because it will turn back to sugar itself. After that you wait for it to cool down so you can take it off, but only if it has cooled down.

What I think about the sugar ?

I thought that when you put the liquid in the frypan that it won’t go solid, but when you put the liquid in the frypan it will go back to solid. You should try this at home, but ask someone that is older than you like your parents or auntie and uncle then if they say yes you can make it with your sister or brother.

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Physical change part 2.

Physical change part 2.

Today my teacher has told the class that when you put salt and water together the salt will turn into liquid.

What do you think about the salt and water turning back to salt ?

Today my teacher showed the class that when you put salt into a cup and then put water it turns into liquid. Then you put the liquid into the frypan and let it steam it will be fast if you put the frypan high, after when it has finished you can take the salt off and put it in your salt container and here is a photo of what the salt looked like in the frypan.

How I feel when I saw the salt and water turn back to oranigel salt ?

When I saw the water turn back to the salt I feel so surprise because this is my first time seeing water and salt turn back to oranigel salt. You can try this at home if you want to, but asked a adult first. Please comment if you like science because this is science that I am writing about.

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